
Hi There, I’m Anna! As the title of this page tells you, I want to introduce myself a little bit more.

I have always been someone who is eager to move and learn more about the abilities of the body. After going into dance at an early age, movement, and control over the positioning of our bodies, has been something that has been ingrained in me and over time resulted in my passion for the subject.

With dance comes the fair share of aches and pains, and often a few injuries (try as we may to avoid them). Through these experiences, I became exposed to the world of physical therapy and different forms of rehabilitation. So, when it came time to start choosing a career and the education to support it, I thought of no better career than helping people heal in a career that utilizes my passions and personal strengths, physical therapy!

I chose to do my bachelor’s degree in kinesiology with a focus on physical therapy, and just for fun, I threw in Dance as an extra minor. I absolutely loved taking this path! Kinesiology is the study of the mechanics of human movement and how it impacts health and wellbeing. This department of study gave me the ability to see health and function in light of athletic performance as well as injury or chronic rehabilitation.

While I was working toward my bachelor’s degree, I had several opportunities to try my hand at exercise programming, group exercise instruction, and working with clients one-on-one. This is what lit my fire for this world of exercise science, and led to my decision not to pursue a career as a physical therapist. Instead, I pivoted my path toward becoming an exercise physiologist!

Right after I had made this decision, I threw myself wholeheartedly into the work it would take to get there, and I was soon an exercise physiologist! Hurrah! But because I am never done learning, I decided to also pursue higher education in this realm of study, so I enrolled in graduate school for my Master’s of Exercise Science.

Now here I am today! I love what I do, and the way I got here, and I honestly wouldn’t change a thing.