Blog Posts

  • “Do I need to go on a diet?”

    Who here has asked that question? I know I have. In this day, age, and geographical location (United States) we have been faced with the blessing of plenty to eat and physically non-demanding careers. What this means is that we are primed and ready to let our bodies find a state of excess energy resulting…

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  • What is “losing weight” talking about?

    It seems like everyone these days has some body composition goal! For some it’s gaining lean muscle mass, for others, it’s losing fat mass, and sometimes it’s both! Let me set one thing straight before I continue, your weight and your body composition has nothing to do with your value! You are not “good” or…

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  • SMART Goals

    In the busy and goal-oriented society that we live in, I feel like the concept of SMART goals is not new anymore. However, I feel like not as many people utilize them as they should. First, let’s jump into what SMART goals are. They are goals that are: Specific: What are you trying to achieve?…

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  • Client Case Study: Stroke

    A stroke, also known as a cardiovascular accident, occurs when something blocks the blood supply to part of the brain or when a blood vessel in the brain bursts. The results are often catastrophic for survivors, as the most common symptoms involve muscular control, vision, and speech impairment. For those whose cases boast a good…

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